
Protémoa is a global team operating from various parts of the world. We are continuously seeking talented individuals to join us on a project-based or full-time basis.

If you are interested, we invite you to share your portfolio, social networks, or any relevant materials that showcase your skills and experience. We look forward to getting to know you better!

Email us at or instagram: @protemoa

  • Content creation / Marketing in Fashion

    Part-Time. Remote job.

    As a content creation/marketing manager, you will be responsible for coming up with creative ideas of various types of content that can be integrated in our social networks / website / other pop-ups and participate in the production of the content.

    Apply for this position 
  • Clothing / Shoes designer / Project-based

    Project-based. Remote job.

    We are constantly looking for talented clothing (and/or shoes) designers to join our team on project-based/full time basis. You will be responsible for generation of ideas for our future drops, drawing mock-ups, generating tech-packs for our manufacturing facility.

    Apply for this position